Where do you download your packs from?
For a start, here is a bunch of links tested by me with result OK or above

http://www.soundbible.com - the title tells it all
http://www.freesound.org - a large repository of free (Creative Commons mainly) sounds. Sometimes weird, sometimes amazing. It's like a treasure chest
http://www.philharmonia.co.uk/explore/sound_samples - sampled instruments of London Philharmonic Orchestra

https://www.lucidsamples.com - large amount (ca. 1GB) of free samples + good shop with electronic music dedicated sample packs
https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=42 - sample section of a great audio forum. Numerous topics with further list
http://freemusicarchive.org/ whole free tunes/songs
http://sampleswap.org/filebrowser-new.p ... 2bb520dfa4 another sample repository
https://samplefocus.com/ - pretty new, but already nice online sample library. Right now it is free, you can upload new and download existing samples there